Halloween in Ostrava

The 31st of October is a traditionally celebrated tradition of Anglo-Saxon countries - Halloween. We took this foreign holiday in our own way. In short, we took from it what we liked. Unlike Anglo-Saxon countries, our children do not go trick-or-treating in the evening with the traditional cry of "Trick or treat!" and people don't usually decorate their houses with spooky decorations. What has gained acceptance here, however, is pumpkin carving and Halloween haunted parties. Hollowed-out pumpkins represent the souls of deceased loved ones and are usually placed in windows or on porches to welcome the bereaved. They also served as protection against evil goblins.
At Ostrava Zoo you can take part in a lantern parade in costume. For the elderly, there is a Halloween ride Ostrava event at the Palace Hotel, which can conjure up an unusual atmosphere with its setting, horror smoking room, and spooky drinks.